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Стайка хрюшек в Олбани
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Бабушка Мозес Примитив Пейзаж США 1948 8559
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Бабушка Мозес - Grandma Moses (1861-1961)

"If I didn't start painting, I would have raised chickens." Grandma Moses.

Anna Mary Robertson Moses didn't become the famous primitive painter Grandma Moses until she was seventy-seven. She didn't even take up painting until she was seventy five, and then it was only because her arthritis hurt her too badly to do needlework any more.

Anna Robertson was born on September 7, 1860 in upstate New York. She didn't marry until she was twenty seven, but still bore ten children. Only five of those lived to adulthood. When her husband was alive they lived in Virginia, but after his death in 1927 she moved back to New York. People who knew her say she was feisty and strong willed. A necessary trait, no doubt, in the Depression years.

Her work was discovered by a collector during the Depression. She was trying to barter some paintings at the Women's Exchange. Thanks to that collector, Louis Calder, she would make some money. In 1939 she had three pieces shown in the Museum of Modern in New York City. A year later she had her first solo exhibit at the Gallerie St. Etienne in New York.

Moses's work was called American Primitive in the art world, but she said that primitive is what they call amateur art that sells. She painted her scenes on pieces of old wood she painted white. Her paintings are simple in texture, but complex in content. She depicted happy scenes from real life, much as she might have stitched them on canvas before her arthritis took to hurting her hands too much. Her painting style belied her history of stitching on fabric. She said she painted from the sky down. Sky first, then the mountains, then the land, then the people. Her people were shown doing anything she might have seen someone do in her long, active life, and were rich in color.

Between the start of her painting career at age seventy-five and her death at age one hundred and one in 1961, Grandma Moses painted approximately sixteen hundred paintings. Some two hundred and fifty of those were painted after her hundredth birthday! Some say her family never took her paintings seriously, but the art world certainly did.

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